Can I use a promo code when placing my order through Facebook?
Promo codes can be used when placing your order through our website, Promo codes are unavailable for usage when ordering through our Facebook Shop.
Can I stack multiple promo codes?
Only one promo code is permitted per order. However, promo codes can be used in addition to current sales that do not require a code.
I forgot to enter my promo code at checkout.
We are able to honor a promotional code on an order if the order was placed within 24 hours of the code being active as long as the customer reaches out to our Loyalty Department within those 24 hours. Then we will issue a refund to the original payment method for the difference. To contact our Loyalty Department, please email us at
Free Shipping Codes
Shipping codes cannot be used in conjunction with another active promo code. We recommend using the code which will generate greater savings.